
I’m an Aries. I am ISTJ in the Meyers-Brigg world. When I take “personality/work style” type of tests, the results define me as dominant, or leader, or peacock (versus the adjectives that describe quieter, thinker-type people). I’m a first-time grandmother to a darling little girl. I’ve been working in the A/E/C since 1980 (currently with my third employer since then). A member of the Society for Design Administration (SDA) since 1983. Avid Stephen King reader (I’m sure I have every one of his books, and some in both hard and paperback). I am a person who still enjoys sending personal, handwritten notes to people, via snail mail.

I take photos. Nope, I haven’t gotten into all the technical aspects of taking a photo, like the “real” photographers do. Just pointing, shooting, viewing, printing and sharing works well for me. My first camera was a Kodak Instamatic 10. Have graduated to the Canon Rebel, ever since Mick bought me one for Christmas in 2003. And of course, my iPhone takes pretty good pics too. See My Photos tab for the link to my Flickr site, and some on my Pinterest board.

Why “Confessions of an Admin Junkie”? Well, it’s a title that has been on my mind for quite some time, and I couldn’t decide, when/if I finally finished writing it, if I wanted to offer it to SDA as an article or white paper.  So it sat (a couple of paragraphs and random buzz words taking the place of an outline) on my computer, waiting for me to do something with it.  Then I finally discovered WordPress, and voila! A blog . . . to share with others.

I also blog on a personal level (having lost two sisters). And I fell in love with making necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.

18 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! I am an Executive Secretary and it is nice to know that there are blogs like yours that talk about how life is as an administrative personnel (and I think life in general). I am relatively new in this field (2 years and counting…) and I really appreciate the fact that I am able to get so much information from the experiences of others. Thank you again and looking forward to your future posts.

    P.S. With the number of blogs about this field, I was trying to decide which one to follow. Upon reading your profile, and seeing that you are an avid reader of Stephen King, I knew I was in the right place. Love all of Stephen King’s works. 🙂


    • Kudos to Stephen King for helping you make your decision on which blog to follow – glad you wandered in; thank you! Not that it makes any difference, but do you mind me asking what industry you work in?


  2. Hi Judy,
    I just came across your website and absolutely love it- such a wealth of information that I can tell comes straight from your heart. I started my own website less then a year ago aimed at giving tips to people in various assistant/admin roles (Tips for Assistants) and wanted to see if you might be interested in doing a blog swap? I love the article “Confession #2: I rely on “The Four Agreements” as my professional bible”, “Best practices for playing well with others” and “Paying it Forward”- though I still need to read the rest of your posts 🙂 Please email me directly if you are interested.
    Have a lovely and productive day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Judy

    Thank you for liking and following my blog. Like your bio. Simple and to the point, just reflecting the bare essentials and simple to the core.

    I would love to come back and see more of your stories.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Canon Rebel is awesome and a wonderful thing to graduate to, my sister has one. Thank you for the follow and best of luck to you with your confessions!


  5. Hi Judy!

    Thanks so much for the blog follow. It has led me to your blog, which I am now following. I love looking at photographs and have the utmost admiration for photographers like you. I am one of these whose pictures are of the sky or of people’s feet, I just can’t get the framing right.

    I look forward to more of your interesting posts.

    Happy blogging!



  6. Congratulations Judy on your new blog! I can’t wait to read all of the great things you will share. And be prepared–one of my goals for 2014 for SDA is to roll out our own blog featuring guest bloggers–you’re on the target list! ~ Stephanie


Your comments, thoughts, reactions, questions (raves and rants?) are always welcome here!